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Interactive, Film & Video

From Proletariat to Precariat

2020 | Interactive documentary / digital archive

From Proletariat to Precariat is a web-based interactive documentary and a dynamic, living counter-archive that examines the roots and causes of the 2014 social unrest in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It features a dynamic database of interviews, activist and citizen videos, photographs, sound recordings, social media posts, correspondence, news reports and print media related to the events in the country’s northwestern city of Bihać. Incorporating experimental navigation, indexing, cross-linking, and curation of these database entries, this project employs the capacities of interactive documentary as both an archiving practice and art of social engagement. Originally hosted at pro2pre.com

"From Proletariat to Precariat" is built using Wordpress content management system and GraphQL API (Application Programming Interface) as backend, and Vue.js, an open source JavaScript framework for user interfaces; and Apollo client, a script management library as frontend.

  • Concept and Research: Amir Husak
  • Graphic Design: Adi Dizdarevic
  • Front/back-end Development: Jean-Phillipe Ung
  • Files: Project guide (pdf)